Reporting the Reality of the Planet, this is our Situation, The Big
Reporting the Facts, Naming the Sources, Documenting,
Updating and Organizing.
Reporting the
current state of affairs
and the
state of the planet.
Learn what's important in the
world today, Locally and Globally.
Actual World
Learn how all your decisions, choices
and actions affect the world.
Possible World
A News
Organization that makes the world's most important information available.
A Website for people who
want to be accurately informed and educated about the world.
Perfect Information "What would an intelligent
person do?"
What will News Media look like in the Future? As our intelligence increases, so will our demand for intelligent news. The Future of Media Media Literacy
Welcome to the Future of News
just got a whole lot better"
News Media
Social Platform: Collaborate, Coordinate, Co-Create
This is what the news will be like
in the future, you will still have your
interest stories, it's just that now those stories will be on the
back pages. You will now start your day with the most relevant and the
most important issues that you face locally, and globally. But just
making everyone aware of the problems will not make our problems go
away. So we will have to show more then just the problems that we face,
we will also need to show everyone the progress that we're making, as
well as, show everyone the reasons why these improvements are happening
so that they too can include these actions into their everyday life.
This way people can see the things that are making a difference, as
wells as, understand the choices that they have, choices that can make
our improvements happen even faster. So people will now know that we are
making a difference, and that every problem that we face, can and will
be solved. The more you know, and the more things that you are aware of,
the better your chances will be in making good decisions, decisions that
will ultimately make improvements for you and for others. Everyone has
the ability to make a difference. So instead of people feeling helpless,
sad or overwhelmed by our problems, people will now feel energized and
grateful in knowing that they too can make a difference in the world.
Then our next step will be working on new and improved ways to
incorporate what the world is learning into our education system, so
that all children in the world can be prepared for life, as well as ,
live up to their full potential....More...
"If you want to improve the current system, make a new system that makes the old system obsolete."
No longer in use or current to the present
time. To cause (a product or idea) to be or to become invalid by
replacing it with something new that is up-to-date and also reflects the
latest information or changes. Something new of greatest importance or
advancement; Something new that is active in the innovation and
application of
concepts and techniques in any movement or field.
Construct or form anew or provide with a new structure.
Upcoming Website Features
This Website is currently in the Beta Prototype Demo Stage
This is a
Pilot Study in the
R&D Mode, so this website is just a
Sample for now.
Development Processes
Join / Contribute
"This is where it starts. People are beginning to realize that we can vote everyday and vote several times a day on issues that effect our lives. This means we are finally bringing the power to the people, and at the same time, reducing the negative effects of corrupt politicians who are just puppets for the rich and powerful." Hallelujah
"We know that space
separates us, but it's our perception of space that keeps us apart."
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